Changing Tides Family Services
increasing the health and success of children, youth, families, and individuals.

2023 Annual Impact Report
Our Impact
During the past year we were proud to help support almost twice as many children and families as the year before, including over $7 million in childcare vouchers for 1,902 children; almost $1 million in direct stipends to child care providers; close to 44,000 hours of disability services; and providing 100 children and their families with behavioral health care. Whether it was coming out of a worldwide pandemic or rebuilding after the destruction of the 2022 earthquake, the past year challenged us as an agency to step forward and step into being the best neighbors we possibly could be. And being a good neighbor is something we are very proud to be.
To view our 2022-2023 Annual Impact Report, click here
Quality Counts Humboldt (QCC)
Quality Counts Humboldt is the Quality Improvement and Rating System (QRIS) for early care and education programs in Humboldt County. For more information, click here.
Check out our directory of parenting classes!
Year End Tax Forms and Information
Changing Tides Family Services’ Federal Tax ID # is 94-2297737
Most year-end tax documents will be mailed by January 31st, 2025, with the exception being Form 1095, which will be mailed by March 2nd, 2025.
Examples of year-end tax documents are:
- W-2’s for employees
- Form 1095 (Affordable Care Act) for employees
- 1099’s for child care providers or other vendors (if paid more than $600 in 2024)
- Parent Fee Statements for parents
*Please note that we are unable to provide anyone with this information prior to the mailing of these documents. Year-end tax documents cannot be held for pick up, they must be mailed.
Good News About Cost of Care Payments!
Child care providers who provide care for children enrolled in subsidized care (aka receive payments from Changing Tides Family Services) will receive an additional monthly “cost of care” plus payment. This will start in January 2024 (for care provided in December 2023) through June 2025 (ending with care provided in May 2025).
Northern region cost of care rates are:
• Licensed Family Child Care Providers: $141 per child
• Centers: $141 per child
• License-Exempt Providers (Family, Friend, Neighbor, etc.): $99 per child
Click here for a copy of the CTFS letter. For more information please see Child Care Bulletin CCB 23-37.
¡Buenas noticias sobre los pagos del costo de la atención!
Los proveedores de cuidado infantil que brindan cuidado a niños inscritos en cuidado subsidiado (también conocido como recibir pagos de Changing Tides Family Services) recibirán un “costo de cuidado” mensual adicional más el pago. Esto comenzará en enero de 2024 (para la atención brindada en diciembre de 2023) hasta junio de 2025 (finalizando con la atención brindada en mayo de 2025).
Las tarifas de costo de atención de la región norte son:
• Proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar con licencia: $141 por niño
• Centros: $141 por niño
• Proveedores exentos de licencia (familiar, amigo, vecino, etc.): $99 por niño
Haga clic aquí para obtener una copia de la carta CTFS Para obtener más información, consulte el Boletín de Cuidado Infantil CCB 23-37
All Child Care Programs Are Open and Enrolling! Parent Choice (Alternative Payment), CalWORKS Stage 2, FCCHEN, and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership
Please call 707-444-8293 to apply for a child care subsidy or apply online by clicking here. The reimbursement can be made to center-based care, licensed homes, and family/friend/neighbor (age 18 and up, restrictions apply) for the Parent Choice Program and Stage 2 CalWORKs, and to participating licensed child care homes for FCCHEN and EHS-CCP.
Parents/guardians can qualify if working with CPS/at risk, receiving cash aid, homeless and have a qualifying activity/need. Find out more about the different programs on our child care resource page!
¡Todos los programas de cuidado infantil están abiertos y se están inscribiendo! Parent Choice (pago alternativo), CalWORKS Etapa 2, FCCHEN y Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership)
Llame al 707-444-8293 para solicitar el subsidio de cuidado infantil o presente su solicitud en línea haciendo clic aquí.
El reembolso puede hacerse a la atención en el centro, hogares con licencia y familiares / amigos / vecinos (mayores de 18 años, se aplican restricciones) para el Programa de Elección de Padres y a los hogares de cuidado infantil autorizados participantes para FCCHEN y EHS-CCP.
Los padres / tutores pueden calificar si trabajan con CPS / están en riesgo, reciben ayuda monetaria, no tienen hogar y tienen una actividad / necesidad calificada. ¡Obtenga más información sobre los diferentes programas en nuestra página de recursos de cuidado infantil!
Ways you can help
See how you can help us serve children, youth and families.
Employment opportunities
Join our team of professionals at Changing Tides Family Services
Since 1975, Changing Tides Family Services, formerly Humboldt Child Care Council, has provided diverse services to children, youth, families, individuals, and the community. Each day, Changing Tides Family Services makes it possible for thousands of families and individuals to maintain or increase their incomes, to keep family members living in their homes or community, and to enhance their physical, emotional, or developmental well-being. Changing Tides Family Services provides quality, community-based services which demonstrate the agency’s values: respect, integrity, excellence, health and wellness, flexibility, and fiscal responsibility.
On this website, you’ll find more information about our services for children, youth, and families—please let us know if you have any questions.
Desde 1975, Changing Tides Family Services, anteriormente Humboldt Child Care Council, ha brindado diversos servicios a los niños, los jóvenes, las familias, los individuos y la comunidad. Cada día, Changing Tides Family Services hace posible que miles de familias e individuos mantengan o aumenten sus ingresos, mantengan a los miembros de la familia viviendo en sus hogares o en la comunidad y mejoren su bienestar físico, emocional o de desarrollo. Changing Tides Family Services brinda servicios comunitarios de calidad que demuestran los valores de la agencia: el respeto, la integridad, la excelencia, la salud y el bienestar, la flexibilidad y la responsabilidad fiscal.
En nuestro sitio web, encontrará más información acerca de nuestros servicios para niños, jóvenes y familias. Por favor, háganos saber si tiene alguna pregunta.
Payments can be made online or at our office at 2379 Myrtle Avenue, Eureka, CA.
Los pagos se pueden hacer en línea o en nuestra oficina en 2379 Myrtle Avenue, Eureka, CA.